I recently went to Eindhoven to see a couple of bands I used to follow in my youth, and at whose concerts I've always had fun: The Fuzztones and Godfathers both have always had great stage presence as well as many hits to which we used to endlessly dance in rock clubs during the late 80's/90's. I thought I'd go and see them one more time, hoping I wouldn't be disappointed - which I wasn't. I won't try to tell you they've aged like fine wine - after all it's 30 years since I first saw the angry young Godfathers at the Rodon Club, how could they measure up to my memory of that? But they've still got the chops and energy to do justice to their songs, which is more than enough. One thing's for sure, Peter Coyne finally looks like The Godfather. They had the mobster references, suits and all, in place from the beginning but it's only now that I can easily picture their frontman play a threatening, perennially pissed-off, violent London gangster right out of a Guy Ritchie movie. After the show I lingered around the merchandise stand, wondering if should buy their latest live CD (entitled This Is War) but settled on a T-shirt instead. I figured they couldn't possibly top this live album, which I already had.

***** for Birth School Work Death, She Gives Me Love
**** for Unreal World, I Don't Believe In You, When I'm Coming Down, Drag Me Down Again, I Love What's Happening To Me, If I Only Had Time, Lonely Man, I Want Everything, 'Cause I Said So, This Is War
*** for Obsession, Don't Let Me Down, This Damn Nation, Cold Turkey
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