This is the second band from Ravenna Italy I present in this blog, after The
Cavemen. Both play pure garage/rock'n'roll, which may be more indicative of my own music tastes than of that city's music scene. After all, Italian rock is usually melodic rather than frantic - although the Rebels don't lack in the melody department, they mostly deal in high energy rock'n'roll. Not that I knew what they were about when I bought this record, I just liked the trashy aesthetic of the cover and put my faith on the record label Electric Eye, the Italian indie that released the classic
Sick Rose LP's in my collection. The first track "Rock Me Baby" certainly has similarities with that band, being a straight energetic garage rock'n'roll number with vocals that reminded me of The Rose's Luca Re. On the whole, despite obviously coming from the punk/alternative scene and retaining the energy and rawness associated with it, The Rebels also have a rootsy Americana sound evident e.g. in the 8-minute R&B workout "
New York Girl" or the rockabilly "
She's On Fire" with its Django-like solo.
"It's Only A Different Love" is a groovy rocker with heavier guitar while mid-tempo closer
"Situation Of My Head" is reminiscent of 80's paisley underground bands or contempoary American college radio indie pop. This mini LP (plays at 45RPM wih a total duration of 27 minutes) manages to include 5 songs in slightly different styles, but all the influences blend together harmonically thanks to the distinctive vocals and excellent guitarwork of leader Davide Piatto. It has never been released on CD, and neither have the bands' 2 LP records that followed it. The bands' full discography is available to listen on Soundcloud. If you like what you hear you'll be pleased to learn that there are enough cheap 2nd hand copies on sale at discogs and elsewhere.
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