Monday 9 September 2019

Les Shleu Shleu From Haiti "Shleu-Shleu" 1975(comp)****

I got this blind, as I didn't have any records from Haiti and wanted to fill this particular hole in my collection. Well, not completely blind, as a quick google search convinced me this was an important band from the area, and highly respected in "world music" circles. Apparently this style is called Kompa or Mini Jazz (Not referring to size but to the latest craze of their time, which was the mini skirt). Sung in Creole French, it's recognizably Latin/Caribbean music, based on percussion and rhythmically similar to rumba or merengue. But it's also different, characterized by swinging sax solos and simultaneously rhythmic and soloing guitars in the style of Congolese soukous. Virtuosos though these guys were, this was basically dance band, and a very popular one at the clubs of Port-Au-Prince. So successful were they at home that they set their sights on an international career, which they did achieve, basing themselves in New York under the name of Skah-Shah. Versions of the band, mostly headed by their original percussionist Smith Jean-Baptiste, seem to still be active. Their discography is extensive, rather jumbled, and mostly out of print. Very little has been re-released on CD. This Dutch compilation from 1975 was seemingly compiled with an eye to the country's sizable Antillean and Surinamese community and features the original band at their early best. Some of the tunes are more upbeat and danceable ("Plaisir Vacance", "Trois Forces", "Ceremonie Loa", "Evangeline"), others more nostalgic ("Reve", "Devin 'Pa' Ou"), while some are quite reminiscent of the world music phenomenon of the 90's Buena Vista Social Club ("Haiti & Shleu Shleu", "Sept Jours De La Semaine"). Elsewhere it's a New Orleans flavor that stands out thanks to the jazzy saxophone ("Ce La Ou Yé", included here in a live version). Mostly it's all these at once. A good place to start if you wish to immerse yourself in Haitian music.
**** for Ce La Ou Yé, Haiti & Shleu Shleu, Sept Jours De La Semaine, Ceremonie Loa, L'Evangile, Reve
*** for Devin 'Pa' Ou, Plaisir Vacance, Trois Forces

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